in Plane of Hate by an abhorrent (76001)
an ashenbone drake (76002)
#Ashenbone Broodmaster (76051)
Cleric of Innoruuk (76003)
a forsaken revenant (76004)
a forsaken revenant (76005)
a haunted chest (76006)
Innoruuk (76007)
an ire ghast (76008)
a kiraikuei (76009)
a loathling lich (76010)
Maestro of Rancor (76011)
a revultant rat (76012)
a scorn banshee (76013)
a spite golem (76014)
Hand of the Maestro (76015)
Lord of Loathing (76016)
Grandmaster R`Tal (76017)
High Priest M`kari (76042)
Corrupter of Life (76018)
Magi P`Tasa (76019)
a Champion of Innoruuk (76020)
a Knight of Innoruuk (76021)
a Disciple of Innoruuk (76022)
a Sage of Innoruuk (76023)
an Agent of Innoruuk (76024)
an Elite Dragoon (76025)
an Evangelist of Hate (76026)
Innoruuk`s Chosen (76027)
a Seeker of the Dark Truth (76028)
a Steel Warrior (76030)
a Dismal Rager (76031)
a Greenmist Diplomat (76032)
a Nightkeep Warder (76033)
a Craknek Emissary (76035)
a Kotiz Ambassador (76037)
Cleric of Innoruuk (76038)
Cleric of Innoruuk (76039)
a loathling lich (76040)
a scorn banshee (76041)
Avatar of Abhorrence (76043)
Master of Spite (76044)
Mistress of Scorn (76045)
an evil little imp (76059)
#The Deathrot Knight (76057)
#Coercer T`vala (76047)
in The Plane of Hate by a scorn banshee (186006)
a scorn banshee (186007)
an ire ghast (186008)
a forsaken revenant (186000)
a forsaken revenant (186003)
a repulsive rat (186014)
a spite golem (186015)
an ire ghast (186017)
#Lord of Ire (186154)
a haunted chest (186019)
a fury ghast (186020)
an agent of hate (186021)
#Assassin Z`Jrix (186167)
#Hand of the Maestro (186025)
a templar of hate (186026)
#Evangelist W`Rixxus (186169)
a loathing lich (186027)
a greater kiraikuei (186028)
a cleric of hate (186029)
a grim abhorrent (186030)
a forlorn revenant (186031)
a vicar of hate (186032)
a phantom chest (186033)
a sinister lich (186034)
a repulsive rat (186039)
an ashenbone drake (186040)
a haunted chest (186041)
a repulsive rat (186018)
a kiraikuei (186042)
a loathing lich (186009)
a haunted chest (186043)
an abhorrent (186044)
a forsaken revenant (186045)
a scorn banshee (186046)
a haunted chest (186047)
a scorn banshee (186048)
an ashenbone drake (186049)
a cleric of hate (186050)
a spite golem (186052)
a repulsive rat (186037)
an ire ghast (186013)
a kiraikuei (186053)
an abhorrent (186054)
a cleric of hate (186055)
a cleric of hate (186056)
a warlock of hate (186057)
an ashenbone drake (186012)
a spite golem (186001)
a forsaken revenant (186058)
a templar of hate (186059)
a sage of hate (186060)
a loathing lich (186061)
an ashenbone drake (186022)
a forsaken revenant (186062)
an ire ghast (186038)
a haunted chest (186063)
a scorn banshee (186064)
a hatebone drake (186065)
a phantom chest (186066)
a frightful chest (186179)
a hatebone drake (186067)
a hatebone broodlord (186180)
a vengeance golem (186068)
#Master of Vengence (186178)
a vile rat (186069)
a malevolent banshee (186070)
a vicar of hate (186071)
#Templar J`Rosix (186188)
a cleric of hate (186002)
a vile rat (186072)
a greater kiraikuei (186073)
a forsaken revenant (186074)
a forlorn revenant (186075)
a vile rat (186076)
a malevolent banshee (186077)
#Mistress of Malevolence (186181)
a vengeance golem (186078)
a greater kiraikuei (186079)
a knight of hate (186080)
#Dread Knight T`Kamax (186170)
a champion of hate (186082)
a sage of hate (186023)
#Sorcerer C`Gazin (186168)
a champion of hate (186083)
#Warlock J`Rath (186182)
#Warlord E`Prosio (186171)
a knight of hate (186085)
a forsaken revenant (186087)
an abhorrent (186051)
a kiraikuei (186010)
a phantom chest (186088)
a vicar of hate (186089)
a forsaken revenant (186090)
#Mistress A`Zara (186151)
an abhorrent (186091)
a sinister lich (186092)
a vengeance golem (186093)
an ire ghast (186094)
a kiraikuei (186004)
a spite golem (186086)
an abhorrent (186005)
a vicar of hate (186095)
a grim abhorrent (186096)
#Grim Abhorrent Kaltik (186186)
a sinister lich (186097)
an assassin of hate (186098)
#Spy Master I`Kavin (186172)
an assassin of hate (186099)
a high priest of hate (186101)
a warlord of hate (186102)
a forlorn revenant (186103)
a forlorn revenant (186104)
a vengeance golem (186105)
a forlorn revenant (186106)
#Innoruuk (186107)
a grotesque rat (186185)
a greater kiraikuei (186108)
#Grandmaster H`Qilm (186183)
a forlorn revenant (186109)
a forsaken revenant (186110)
#Maestro of Rancor (186111)
a gravelord of hate (186112)
#Dreadlord M`Noxin (186174)
a sorcerer of hate (186113)
a warlord of hate (186100)
#Overlord R`Gahbsa (186173)
a sorcerer of hate (186116)
#Arcanist V`Gimis (186177)
a sinister lich (186117)
#Master D`Samni (186184)
a fury ghast (186118)
#Lord of Fury (186187)
a repulsive rat (186011)
#a hideous rat (186166)
a warlock of hate (186115)
#Arch Lich T`Vaxok (186176)
a high priest of hate (186114)
#Archon G`Uvin (186175)
a gravelord of hate (186119)
a vengeance golem (186120)
a fury ghast (186121)
a vicar of hate (186122)
a heretic of hate (186084)
an agent of hate (186123)
a heretic of hate (186081)
a phantom chest (186124)
a grim abhorrent (186125)
a forlorn revenant (186126)
a hatebone drake (186127)
a sinister lich (186128)
a malevolent banshee (186129)
a forlorn revenant (186130)
a malevolent banshee (186131)
a vile rat (186132)
a fury ghast (186133)
a forsaken revenant (186134)
a haunted chest (186036)
a scorn banshee (186136)
a kiraikuei (186137)
a loathing lich (186138)
an ire ghast (186139)
a spite golem (186035)
a forsaken revenant (186016)
a loathing lich (186140)
an ashenbone drake (186141)
a repulsive rat (186142)
a spite golem (186135)
a repulsive rat (186143)
a scorn banshee (186144)
an ashenbone drake (186145)
a forsaken revenant (186146)
a loathing lich (186147)
a kiraikuei (186148)
a cleric of hate (186024)
a forsaken revenant (186149)
#an eerie chest (186162)
#Lord of Loathing (186155)
#Avatar of Abhorrence (186163)
#Vicar M`Kari (186164)
#Ashenbone Broodmaster (186161)
#Coercer T`vala (186160)
#Magi P`Tasa (186157)
#Grandmaster R`Tal (186156)
#Mistress of Scorn (186159)
#Master of Spite (186165)
thought destroyer (186150)
Corrupter of Life (186189)
a scorn banshee (1000427)
a scorn banshee (1000428)
an ire ghast (1000429)
a forsaken revenant (1000421)
a forsaken revenant (1000424)
a repulsive rat (1000435)
a spite golem (1000436)
an ire ghast (1000438)
#Lord of Ire (1000574)
a haunted chest (1000440)
a fury ghast (1000441)
an agent of hate (1000442)
#Assassin Z`Jrix (1000586)
#Hand of the Maestro (1000446)
a templar of hate (1000447)
#Evangelist W`Rixxus (1000588)
a loathing lich (1000448)
a greater kiraikuei (1000449)
a cleric of hate (1000450)
a grim abhorrent (1000451)
a forlorn revenant (1000452)
a vicar of hate (1000453)
a phantom chest (1000454)
a sinister lich (1000455)
a repulsive rat (1000460)
an ashenbone drake (1000461)
a haunted chest (1000462)
a repulsive rat (1000439)
a kiraikuei (1000463)
a loathing lich (1000430)
a haunted chest (1000464)
an abhorrent (1000465)
a forsaken revenant (1000466)
a scorn banshee (1000467)
a haunted chest (1000468)
a scorn banshee (1000469)
an ashenbone drake (1000470)
a cleric of hate (1000471)
a spite golem (1000473)
a repulsive rat (1000458)
an ire ghast (1000434)
a kiraikuei (1000474)
an abhorrent (1000475)
a cleric of hate (1000476)
a cleric of hate (1000477)
a warlock of hate (1000478)
an ashenbone drake (1000433)
a spite golem (1000422)
a forsaken revenant (1000479)
a templar of hate (1000480)
a sage of hate (1000481)
a loathing lich (1000482)
an ashenbone drake (1000443)
a forsaken revenant (1000483)
an ire ghast (1000459)
a haunted chest (1000484)
a scorn banshee (1000485)
a hatebone drake (1000486)
a phantom chest (1000487)
a frightful chest (1000598)
a hatebone drake (1000488)
a hatebone broodlord (1000599)
a vengeance golem (1000489)
#Master of Vengence (1000597)
a vile rat (1000490)
a malevolent banshee (1000491)
a vicar of hate (1000492)
#Templar J`Rosix (1000607)
a cleric of hate (1000423)
a vile rat (1000493)
a greater kiraikuei (1000494)
a forsaken revenant (1000495)
a forlorn revenant (1000496)
a vile rat (1000497)
a malevolent banshee (1000498)
#Mistress of Malevolence (1000600)
a vengeance golem (1000499)
a greater kiraikuei (1000500)
a knight of hate (1000501)
#Dread Knight T`Kamax (1000589)
a champion of hate (1000503)
a sage of hate (1000444)
#Sorcerer C`Gazin (1000587)
a champion of hate (1000504)
#Warlock J`Rath (1000601)
#Warlord E`Prosio (1000590)
a knight of hate (1000506)
a forsaken revenant (1000508)
an abhorrent (1000472)
a kiraikuei (1000431)
a phantom chest (1000509)
a vicar of hate (1000510)
a forsaken revenant (1000511)
#Mistress A`Zara (1000572)
an abhorrent (1000512)
a sinister lich (1000513)
a vengeance golem (1000514)
an ire ghast (1000515)
a kiraikuei (1000425)
a spite golem (1000507)
an abhorrent (1000426)
a vicar of hate (1000516)
a grim abhorrent (1000517)
#Grim Abhorrent Kaltik (1000605)
a sinister lich (1000518)
an assassin of hate (1000519)
#Spy Master I`Kavin (1000591)
an assassin of hate (1000520)
a high priest of hate (1000522)
a warlord of hate (1000523)
a forlorn revenant (1000524)
a forlorn revenant (1000525)
a vengeance golem (1000526)
a forlorn revenant (1000527)
#Innoruuk (1000528)
a grotesque rat (1000604)
a greater kiraikuei (1000529)
#Grandmaster H`Qilm (1000602)
a forlorn revenant (1000530)
a forsaken revenant (1000531)
#Maestro of Rancor (1000532)
a gravelord of hate (1000533)
#Dreadlord M`Noxin (1000593)
a sorcerer of hate (1000534)
a warlord of hate (1000521)
#Overlord R`Gahbsa (1000592)
a sorcerer of hate (1000537)
#Arcanist V`Gimis (1000596)
a sinister lich (1000538)
#Master D`Samni (1000603)
a fury ghast (1000539)
#Lord of Fury (1000606)
a repulsive rat (1000432)
#a hideous rat (1000585)
a warlock of hate (1000536)
#Arch Lich T`Vaxok (1000595)
a high priest of hate (1000535)
#Archon G`Uvin (1000594)
a gravelord of hate (1000540)
a vengeance golem (1000541)
a fury ghast (1000542)
a vicar of hate (1000543)
a heretic of hate (1000505)
an agent of hate (1000544)
a heretic of hate (1000502)
a phantom chest (1000545)
a grim abhorrent (1000546)
a forlorn revenant (1000547)
a hatebone drake (1000548)
a sinister lich (1000549)
a malevolent banshee (1000550)
a forlorn revenant (1000551)
a malevolent banshee (1000552)
a vile rat (1000553)
a fury ghast (1000554)
a forsaken revenant (1000555)
a haunted chest (1000457)
a scorn banshee (1000557)
a kiraikuei (1000558)
a loathing lich (1000559)
an ire ghast (1000560)
a spite golem (1000456)
a forsaken revenant (1000437)
a loathing lich (1000561)
an ashenbone drake (1000562)
a repulsive rat (1000563)
a spite golem (1000556)
a repulsive rat (1000564)
a scorn banshee (1000565)
an ashenbone drake (1000566)
a forsaken revenant (1000567)
a loathing lich (1000568)
a kiraikuei (1000569)
a cleric of hate (1000445)
a forsaken revenant (1000570)
#an eerie chest (1000581)
#Lord of Loathing (1000575)
#Avatar of Abhorrence (1000582)
#Vicar M`Kari (1000583)
#Ashenbone Broodmaster (1000580)
#Coercer T`vala (1000579)
#Magi P`Tasa (1000577)
#Grandmaster R`Tal (1000576)
#Mistress of Scorn (1000578)
#Master of Spite (1000584)
thought destroyer (1000571)
Corrupter of Life (1000608)