Kyla Frostbeard

Full name Kyla Frostbeard
Level 42
Race Coldain
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Coldain
This NPC sells

  • Gold Thread (10p)
  • How To Sew: Small Sizes (2g 5s)
  • Platinum Thread (100p)
  • Robe Pattern (5s)
  • Silver Thread (5g)
  • Small Cloth Cap (2g)
  • Small Cloth Cape (2g 6s)
  • Small Cloth Choker (1g 6s)
  • Small Cloth Cord (1g 8s)
  • Small Cloth Gloves (2g 6s)
  • Small Cloth Pants (3g 4s)
  • Small Cloth Shawl (1g 8s)
  • Small Cloth Shirt (5g)
  • Small Cloth Sleeves (2g 2s)
  • Small Cloth Veil (1g 6s)
  • Small Cloth Wristband (1g 8s)
  • Small Sewing Kit (5g 2s 7c)
  • Velium Leatherworking (3g)
  • This NPC spawns in

    The City of Thurgadin

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with