
Full name Bedruin Rogue Tomes
Level 50
Race Drakkin
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction
This NPC sells

  • Tome of Assassin`s Strike (80p 5g 7s 7c)
  • Tome of Blinding Speed Discipline (48p 9g 5s 7c)
  • Tome of Counterattack Discipline (33p 6g 5s 1c)
  • Tome of Deadeye Discipline (36p 8g 5s 8c)
  • Tome of Deadly Precision Discipline (80p 3g 9s 4c)
  • Tome of Duelist Discipline (53p 1g 4s 2c)
  • Tome of Fearless Discipline (10p 4s 3c)
  • Tome of Focused Will Discipline (9s 2c)
  • Tome of Healing Will Discipline (80p 2g 3s 1c)
  • Tome of Kinesthetics Discipline (45p 7g 4s 7c)
  • Tome of Nimble Discipline (39p 6g 7s 7c)
  • Tome of Resistant Discipline (3p 3g 3s 2c)
  • Tome of Sneak Attack (7g 7s 7c)
  • Tome of Thief`s Vengeance (31p 4g 6s 3c)
  • Tome of Throw Stone (2s)
  • Tome of Twisted Chance Discipline (99p 8g 5s 2c)
  • This NPC spawns in

    Crescent Reach