Klen Ironstove

Full name Klen Ironstove Baking Supplies
Level 60
Race Erudite
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction
This NPC sells

  • Gouda Cheese (1s 5c)
  • Water Flask (1s)
  • Red Wine (6s)
  • Lettuce (2s 5c)
  • Carrot (2s 5c)
  • Turnip (2s 5c)
  • Cup of Sugar (5g)
  • Zlizor`s Exotic Delicacies (3g)
  • Metallic Foil (3g)
  • Ice Cream is Good - Part 1 (1c)
  • Ice Cream is Good - Part 2 (1c)
  • More of My Best Recipes! (1c)
  • This NPC spawns in

    The Plane of Lag