Target Chrono /hail (Receive task for Charm of the Abyss) #zone soldungc
Target The Black Knight /hail [favor] [followers] (Receive task for Zuul's Soulstone) #zone soldungc 328 215 -16 (Prepare to fight.)
Optional 1: Kill 100 of each trash mob in the zone. Then loot Zuul's Heart from any boss.
Optional 2: Give the heart to The Black Knight. (Receive Zuul's Soulstone) #zone soldungc 328 215 -16 (Prepare to fight.)
Kill all bosses in the zone to spawn Zuul. Listed in order of difficulty: Warning: All #zone commands will place you in combat with the boss. Steve The Pirate #zone soldungc -292 -407 12 Vlad Vladikoff #zone soldungc 911 195 -24 You Do Voo Doo Like I DO #zone soldungc -167 624 11 You Can Call Me Dragon #zone soldungc -745 644 4 Smooooge #zone soldungc -248 642 4 The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog #zone soldungc -811 238 4 Barrel Full Of Monkeys #zone soldungc 824 441 -15 The Cake Is A Lie #zone soldungc -381 60 -8
Kill Zuul and loot Top Portion of a Broken Staff. #zone soldungc -537 832 16
Kill Caramon Majere and loot Bottom Portion of a Broken Staff.
Loot Mysterious Container from mobs in The Feerrott. #zone feerrott2
Combine the top and bottom in the container. (Receive Raistlin's Staff of Time Travel)
Give the staff to the Custom Tier NPC. (You receive a character flag!) #zone guildlobby -248 322 3
The Innothule Swamp: (Knight of the Black Rose)
Target Messenger of the Council /hail [council of elders] #zone innothuleb -1 2062 30 Warning: Prepare to fight before speaking to the messenger.
Kill Tayo, Teja, Ajin, and Zulkis at the same time. A chest will spawn. Warning: All 4 council members must die almost at the same time.
Attack the chest and loot Ancient piece of Carbon.
Alternative: Kill Lord Soth and loot Ancient piece of Carbon. #zone innothuleb 426 -2185 13
Loot 1 Fetid Slime from a slarghilug. #zone ponightmare 243 -1621 101
Loot 1 Water Mephit Blood from triloun enemies (8% Drop Rate) in Plane of Water. #zone powater
Create 1 Aqua Diamond of Water via Spell: Imbue Water. Requires 65 Enchanter or 65 Magician. Note: Requires 1 Water Mephit Blood and 1 Raw Diamond from high end zones.
Target Astinus of Palanthas /hail [assist] [things] [Well of Everlasting Ink] (Receive Empty Ink Well) #zone potranquility
Combine the carbon, slime, and diamond in Empty Ink Well. (Receive Well of Everlasting Ink)
Give the ink to Astinus Palanthas to unlock Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden.
Kill Cain and loot Cain's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -501 183 65 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Marley Madeyes and loot Marley's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -325 208 1 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Siren Songstress and loot Siren Songstress' Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -31 -84 68 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Scullion Hand and loot Scullion Hand's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury 955 829 -586
Kill Lexxi and loot Lexxi's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury 515 938 -598 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Krill and loot Krill's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -706 -252 64 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Cthulhu and loot Cthulhu's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -1056 -418 1 (Prepare for combat.)
Kill Guardian of Krasnok and loot Guardian of Krasnok's Essence of Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -1215 -223 68
Combine all 8 essences in Empty Soul Orb. (Receive Full Essence of Krasnok)
Give Full Essence of Krasnok to Spirit of Krasnok to spawn Captain Krasnok. #zone hatesfury -1086 -46 -284
Kill Captain Krasnok and loot Blessed Fleece of the HighSea (Master Shawl of Imperium Quest)
Target Krasnok /hail (You receive a character flag!)
Target Morpheus /hail [real world] [signals] [red pill] (You receive a character flag!) #zone feerrott2 887 -1380 -2 Warning: If you click [blue pill] you will be locked out for 23 hours before you can answer again.
Click the door behind Morpheus to enter House of Thule.
Optional 1: Loot Gibson's Ring from Ralo the Black. #zone hatesfury 1332 930 -606 (Prepare for combat.)
Optional 2: Give the ring to Gibson Galliway. (Receive Galliways' Ring of Good Fortune) #zone qeynos2 265 136 4
House of Thule:
You now have access to House of Thule, House of Thule, Upper Floors, and The Grounds. #zone thulehouse1, #zone thulehouse2, #zone housegarden
Target Groot /hail [Groot] (Shows a list of daily quests.) #zone thulehouse1