Planes of Power Progression

Jumping to Elemental Planes

Warning: This is a method to skip most of PoP progression for your alts. You can only do this once per character, so choose Wisely.

Warning #2 : Using bots can and will break a lot of the mechanics and flagging process. We recommend not using them at all for this content Tier.

  1. On a character that has unlocked Plane of Time, gather the same 4 items used to craft Quintessence of Elements.
    You will need:
    • Amorphous Cloud of Air
    • Sphere of Coalesced Water
    • Mound of Living Stone
    • Globe of Dancing Flame
  2. Give the 4 elemental items to A Planar Projection. (Receive Rune of Progression)
    #zone potimea 16 -97 13
  3. Give Rune of Progression to Vinz Clortho to unlock the elemental planes.
    #zone guildlobby 68 348 10

Target Seer Mal Nae'Shi /hail /say unlock memories.
#zone poknowledge -213 -49 -151

Note: This will allow you to see which character flags you are missing.

1 ~ Plane of Justice

  1. Target Mavuin /hail [this information] [plea my case] (Receive a character flag)
    #zone pojustice 743 -470 -21
  2. Target The Tribunal (Flame Trial) /hail [prepared] [begin the trial of flame]
    #zone pojustice 433 808 16
    Note: Stand inside the NPC's model or he may be unresponsive.
  3. Kill waves of enemies until the boss spawns. Kill Punisher of Flame and loot Mark of Flame.
    Note: If you take too long to kill enemies the event may fail.
  4. Give Mark of Flame to The Tribunal (Flame Trial). (Receive a character flag).
    #zone pojustice 433 808 16
    Note: The mark will be given back to you. Feel free to keep it for an alt.
  5. Target Mavuin /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone pojustice 743 -470 -21
Punisher of Flame

Zone: Plane of Justice

2 ~ Plane of Disease / Crypt of Decay

  1. Kill Grummus. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag x3)
    #zone podisease 2216 -236 330
  2. Kill Spectre of Corruption and then Bertoxxulus
    #zone codecay 89 280 -247
  3. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag x3)

Zone: Plane of Disease

Specter of Corruption

Zone: Crypt of Decay


Zone: Crypt of Decay

3 ~ Plane of Innovation

  1. Target Giwin Mirakon /hail /say great warrior [task] [test the machine] (Receive a character flag)
    #zone poinnovation 32 -33 9
    Note: All characters must click [test the machine] to get credit for the next steps.
  2. Kill Manaetic Behemoth.
  3. Target Giwin Mirakon /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone poinnovation 32 -33 9
Manaetic Behemoth

Zone: Plane of Innovation

4 ~ Plane of Nightmare / Lair of Terris Thule

  1. Target Adroha Jezith /hail [poverty and ruin] [jeweled dagger] [Plane of Tranquility] [tortured by nightmares] (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potranquility -1437 -249 -901
  2. Target Thelin Poxbourne /hail [ready]
    #zone ponightmare -1539 1090 130
  3. Escort Thelin Poxbourne through the maze while protecting him from ambushes. Don't use any AoE spells/abilities.
    Note: It takes a while for Thelin to begin walking.
    Note: Use Charm of Heroes from Merchant Drake to summon alts to the maze.
  4. At the end of the maze, kill A construct of nightmares and loot Dagger Blade Shard.
  5. Give Dagger Blade Shard to Thelin Poxbourne. Target Thelin Poxbourne /hail (Receive a character flag)
    Note: Only one toon can loot the shard, but all will get flagged after the hail.
  6. Click the gate to unlock Lair of Terris Thule. (Receive a character flag)
    #zone ponightmare -1724 277 127
  7. Kill Terris Thule. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone nightmareb -2120 -20 139
  8. Target Elder Poxbourne /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potranquility -1437 -249 -901
Construct of Nightmares

Zone: Plane of Nightmares

Terris Thule

Zone: Lair of Terris Thule

5 ~ Plane of Valor

  1. Click the stone with the hand to unlock Plane of Valor.
    #zone potranquility -10 -192 -623
  2. Kill Aerin'Dar. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone povalor 353 2353 38

Zone: Plane of Valor

6 ~ Plane of Torment

  1. Target Fahlia Shadyglade /hail
    [condition] [black cube] [Plane of Torment] [go] (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potranquility -1379 -304 -901
  2. Click the floor under the cube to unlock Plane of Torment.
    #zone potranquility -1618 735 -907
    Note: Steps 3-9 only need to be completed by one character. The item created can be used multiple times.
  3. Kill The Avatar of Anguish (15% Spawn Rate) and loot Orb of Anguish.
    #zone potorment -653 533 -215 (Unsafe)
  4. Kill The Avatar of Pain (15% Spawn Rate) and loot Orb of Pain.
    #zone potorment -398 -440 -183 (Unsafe)
  5. Kill The Avatar of Suffering (15% Spawn Rate) and loot Orb of Suffering.
    #zone potorment 550 -486 -151 (Unsafe)
  6. Kill The Avatar of Agony (15% Spawn Rate) and loot Orb of Agony.
    #zone potorment 221 513 -151 (Unsafe)
  7. Attack Baraguj Szuul to teleport. Kill An Unimaginable Horror at the bottom to escape.
    #zone potorment 21 -1054 73
  8. Kill Baraguj Szuul and loot Mouths of Baraguj Szuul.
  9. Combine the four orbs in Mouths of Baraguj Szuul to create Screaming Sphere.
  10. Kill Maareq the Prophet and A twisted crawler.
    #zone potorment 43 -133 465 (Unsafe)
  11. Target Tylis Newleaf in the cage nearby. /hail - Give him the Screaming Sphere. /say ready
  12. Make your way to The Keeper of Sorrows and kill it. Target Tylis Newleaf. /hail (Receive a character flag)
  13. Kill Saryrn. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potorment 3 -148 585
  14. Target Fahlia Shadyglade /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potranquility -1379 -304 -901
Avatar of Anguish

Zone: Plane of Torment

Avatar of Pain

Zone: Plane of Torment

Avatar of Suffering

Zone: Plane of Torment

Avatar of Agony

Zone: Plane of Torment

An Unimaginable Horror

Zone: Plane of Torment

Baraguj Szuul

Zone: Plane of Torment

Maareq the Prophet

Zone: Plane of Torment

A Twisted Crawler

Zone: Plane of Torment

The Keeper of Sorrows

Zone: Plane of Torment


Zone: Plane of Torment

7 ~ Plane of Storms

  1. Loot Storm Giant Head and Storm Volaas Beard from the nearby giants.
    #zone postorms 318 -2058 -446
  2. Kill Paruek the Strong and loot Esoteric Medallion.
    #zone postorms 761 -2051 -432 (Unsafe)
    Note: You will need 2 Esoteric Medallion, but one from each boss.
  3. Loot Storm Taarid Bone from the nearby giants.
    #zone postorms 1733 -42 -446
  4. Kill Pendubk the Turbulent and loot Esoteric Medallion.
    #zone postorms 1071 101 -446
  5. Loot Storm Satuur Sash from the nearby giants.
    #zone postorms -1914 1483 -448
  6. Give Storm Giant Head to Askr the Lost [continue] [continue] (Receive Askr's Bag of Verity)
    #zone postorms -2597 -1260 -467
  7. Combine the beard, bone, and sash in Askr's Bag of Verity. (Receive Askr's Sealed Bag of Verity)
  8. Give Askr's Bag of Verity to Askr the Lost. Click [Bastion of Thunder]. (Receive Askr's Bag of Verity)
  9. Combine both Esoteric Medallion in Askr's Bag of Verity. (Receive Esoteric Meld)
  10. Give Esoteric Meld to Askr the Lost. (Receive a character flag)
Paruek the Strong

Zone: Plane of Storms

Pendubk the Turbulent

Zone: Plane of Storms

8 ~ Bastion of Thunder

  1. Loot Tornado Gem and Tornado Sphere from giants in the northern area.
    #zone bothunder -54 -9 -1553
  2. Loot Blizzard Gem and Blizzard Sphere from giants in the eastern area.
  3. Loot Sandstorm Gem and Sandstorm Sphere from giants in the southern area.
  4. Loot Lightning Gem and Lightning Sphere from giants in the western area.
  5. Kill the boss in any wing and loot Ring of Torden
  6. Combine the 4 gems in the ring to create Enchanted Ring of Torden.
  7. Choose one of the four towers and click the right object to enter. The left object is an exit.
    #zone bothunder 130 12 -635
  8. Kill the tower boss and loot Unadorned Symbol of Torden
  9. Combine the 4 spheres in the symbol to create Symbol of Torden.
  10. Return to the courtyard and click the center object.
    #zone bothunder 130 12 -635
  11. Kill Evynd Firestorm. Target Askr the Lost /hail
    Note: Be careful not to hit Askr with any AoE spells/abilities.
    Note: Destroying the portals in each room with magic will reduce the difficulty of each fight.
  12. Kill Emmerik Skyfury. Target Askr the Lost /hail
  13. Go downstairs and kill Agnarr the Storm Lord. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    Warning: This fight will be much more difficult if you don't destroy the portals before engaging Agnarr.
  14. Go upstairs and target Karana /hail [follow the path of the fallen] (Receive a character flag)
Evynd Firestorm

Zone: Bastion of Thunder

Emmerik Skyfury

Zone: Bastion of Thunder

Agnarr the Storm Lord

Zone: Bastion of Thunder

9 ~ Halls of Honor / Temple of Marr

Click the stone with the heart to unlock Halls of Honor.
#zone potranquility -10 -192 -623

Trial A
  1. Target Alekson Garn /hail /say ready
    #zone hohonora -2379 -1725 -110
  2. Kill A Custodian of Marr. Kill all A crazed Norrathian in all three rooms.
    Note: If all norrathian maidens die, the event will fail.
  3. Kill the boss in each of the three rooms. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
Trial B
  1. Target Rhaliq Trell /hail /say ready
    #zone hohonora 517 1374 -110
  2. Kill A Custodian of Marr. Kill all giant mobs in all three rooms.
    Note: If all of the villagers die, the event will fail.
  3. Target the Rhaliq Trell on the right. /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone hohonora 517 1374 -110
    Note: The duplicate Rhaliq will only appear if you complete the event.
Trial C
  1. Target Trydan Faye /hail /say ready
    #zone hohonora -1725 2106 -110
  2. Kill A Custodian of Marr. Kill Rydda'Dar. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
  3. Click on the archway to unlock Temple of Marr. (Receive a character flag)
    #zone hohonora 38 1 9
Trial D
  1. Kill Ralthazor, Champion of Marr.
    #zone hohonorb 2251 2 450
  2. Kill Lord Mithaniel Marr. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone hohonorb 2701 -182 477
    Note: You can safely pull the adds and kill them without engaging Marr.

10 ~ Plane of Tactics

  1. Click the stone with the telescope to unlock Plane of Tactics.
    #zone potranquility -10 -192 -623
  2. Kill Tallon Zek. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potactics -454 -2012 201
  3. Kill Vallon Zek. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potactics -570 1985 201
  4. Clear the room. Kill Decorin Grunhork and Decorin Berik outside both doors.
    #zone potactics 508 59 175
  5. Kill Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek.
    Note: It will take a minute for them to show up.
  6. Fight Rallos Zek until he vanishes.
  7. Kill Rallos Zek the Warlord. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone potactics 717 26 -289
Tallon Zek

Zone: Plane of Tactics

Vallon Zek

Zone: Plane of Tactics

Decorin Grunhork

Zone: Plane of Tactics

Decorin Berik

Zone: Plane of Tactics

Rallos Zek

Zone: Plane of Tactics

Rallos Zek the Warlord

Zone: Plane of Tactics

11 ~ Solusek Ro's Tower

  1. Click the stone with the flame to unlock *Solusek Ro's Tower*.
    #zone potranquility -10 -192 -623
  2. Kill 4 Guardian of Dresolik to spawn the boss.
    #zone solrotower 583 1585 -159
  3. Kill The Protector of Dresolik. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
  4. Kill Rizlona. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone solrotower -1107 2635 -903
    Note: Rizlona has a dragon form that can be difficult to defeat.
  5. Kill Xuzl. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone solrotower 1837 -394 345
  6. Kill Arlyxir. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone solrotower 1729 1931 633
  7. Kill Jiva. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone solrotower -2256 -48 -1095
  8. Kill Solusek Ro. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone solrotower -164 -1392 249
  9. Target Grand Librarian Maelin /hail [lore] /hail [information]
    #zone poknowledge 1006 9 395
Protector of Dresolik

Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower


Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower


Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower


Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower


Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower

Solusek Ro

Zone: Solusek Ro's Tower

12 ~ Plane of Air

  1. Click the large bowl to unlock Plane of Air.
    #zone potranquility -689 805 -606
  2. Kill Xegony the Queen of Air. Target Essence of Air /hail (Receive Amorphous Cloud of Air)
    #zone poair -559 -137 1456
Xegony the Queen of Air

Zone: Plane of Air

13 ~ Plane of Water

  1. Click the bowl of rocks to unlock Plane of Water.
    #zone potranquility 943 -1166 -767
  2. Kill Guardian of Coirnav.
    #zone powater -685 1094 -499
  3. Survive waves of mobs and kill Coirnav the Avatar of Water.
  4. Target Essence of Water /hail (Receive Sphere of Coalesced Water)
Guardian of Coirnav

Zone: Plane of Water

Coirnav the Avatar of Water

Zone: Plane of Water

14 ~ Plane of Earth A & B

  1. Click the rune rock to unlock Plane of Earth A.
    #zone potranquility 2162 -1385 -708
  2. Kill Tantisala Jaggedtooth.
    #zone poeartha -140 -2012 61
  3. Kill A Mystical Arbitor of Earth. Target A Planar Projection /hail (Receive a character flag)
    #zone poeartha -140 -2160 69
  4. Kill all 12 A Rathe Councilman at the same time.
    #zone poearthb 2049 629 -205
  5. Kill Avatar of Earth. Target Essence of Earth /hail (Receive Mound of Living Stone)
Tantisala Jaggedtooth

Zone: Plane of Earth

A Mystical Arbitor of Earth

Zone: Plane of Earth

Avatar of Earth

Zone: Plane of Earth

15 ~ Plane of Fire

  1. Click the fireball to unlock Plane of Fire.
    #zone potranquility -2151 333 -921
  2. Kill Guardian of Doomfire to start an event.
    #zone pofire -162 -1251 -181
  3. Clear the gauntlet and kill every boss at the end of the path.
  4. Kill Fennin Ro the Tyrant of Fire. Target Essence of Fire /hail (Receive Globe of Dancing Flame)
Guardian of Doomfire

Zone: Plane of Fire

Fennin Ro the Tyrant of Fire

Zone: Plane of Fire

16 ~ Unlocking Plane of Time

  1. Purchase Odylic Vial from Augmentor Bane.
    #zone guildlobby 261 255 10
  2. Combine the 4 elemental items in the vial to create Quintessence of Elements.
  3. Target Chronographer Muon /hail /say yes
    #zone poinnovation -300 8 9
  4. Walk down the ramp. Target Loreseeker Maelin /hail /say researched
  5. Click the machine to unlock Plane of Time. (Receive a character flag)

17 ~ Plane of Time B

Note: You must be in a raid to complete the zone. You may use any level alt to form a raid.

Warning: Do not summon or bring bots into the zone. This will cause bugs.

Phase 1

Note: If Phase One bugs out, leave the zone for 35 minutes and try again.

  1. Click on the sundial to enter the zone. You may enter as a Raid, Group or Solo.
    #zone potimea -1160 1455 28
  2. Stand on the metal plate in front of the clock to initiate the event.
  3. Kill all mobs that spawn near the clock. Click on the right side of the clock to open it.
    Warning: Make sure the boss is the last mob to die to prevent a glitch.
    Note: Enemies will take a minute to spawn and you are on a time limit. You can use this time to activate the next metal plate to save time.
  4. Activate the other four clocks and clear all enemies. Always kill the boss last.
  5. After all five areas are cleared, more enemies will spawn. Kill all five groups again.
  6. Five more groups will spawn for the third time. Clear them out to complete the phase.

Phase 2

  1. Jump down into the canyon and clear multiple waves of enemies.
  2. Kill Avatar of the Elements and Supernatural Guardian.
  3. Click on the blue portal to advance to the next area.

Phase 3

  1. Kill Saryrn, Terris Thule, Tallon Zek, and Vallon Zek.
  2. Click on the white obelisk to advance to the next area.
    Warning: Do not click on any blue portals in this room.

Phase 4

  1. Kill Bertoxxulous, Cazic Thule, Innoruuk, and Rallos Zek.
  2. Go in the back room and click on the white obelisk to advance to the final area.

Final Encounter

  1. Kill Quarm and his ghost.
  2. Loot Key Fragment to Discord from the ghost.
  3. Attack the mysterious object in the back to complete the raid.
  4. Give the key fragment to Vinz Clortho, back in the Guild Lobby. (Receive Key to Discord)

Zone: Plane of Time B