The Serpent's Spine Progression

Checking Your Keys:

  1. You begin with access to Crescent Reach.
  2. Target Zyackt Kouzto /hail [problem] [progress]
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175

Unlocking Blightfire Moors: (Level 15+)

  1. Target discarded bones /open kill both an ambush skeleton and loot Moors Key.
    #zone crescent -2919 441 -102 (Prepare to fight.)
  2. Give Moors Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  3. You now have access to Blightfire Moors.
    #zone moors

Unlocking Stone Hive: (Level 30+)

  1. Target Zan the Witch Hunter /hail [She] [Accept Task: The Blightfire Witches]
    #zone moors -2521 776 110
  2. Note: Zan will patrol either northeast or southwest. Use "/target zan" to help find him.
  3. Kill Ursula the Green Witch and loot Shattered Staff of the Green Witch.
    #zone moors -2521 776 110
  4. Note: Ursula will patrol either northeast or southwest. Use "/assist ursula" to check if she's up.
  5. Give Shattered Staff of the Green Witch to Zan the Witch Hunter. (Receive a task update)
    #zone moors -2521 776 110
  6. Note: Zan will patrol either northeast or southwest.
  7. Note: If Zan is already in humanoid form he will return the staff.
  8. Kill Agatha the Gray Witch and loot Shattered Staff of the Gray Witch.
    #zone moors -1422 548 -88 (Prepare to fight.)
  9. Note: Agatha patrols across the southern swamp. Use "/assist agatha" to check if she's up.
  10. Kill Sinead the Scarlet Witch and loot Shattered Staff of the Scarlet Witch.
    #zone moors -623 1468 -80
  11. Kill Eralynn the Shadow Witch and loot Shattered Staff of the Shadow Witch.
    #zone moors 3066 1425 220 (Prepare to fight.)
  12. Note: Eralynn patrols around the woods. Use "/assist eralynn" to check if she's up.
  13. Give the three staves to Shaytherrin the Exorcist in one trade. (Receive Stonehive Key)
    #zone moors 615 20 30
  14. Give Stonehive Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Stonehive)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  15. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Stonehive. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
  16. Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  17. You now have access to Stone Hive.
    #zone stonehive
Ursula the Green Witch

Zone: Blightfire Moors

Agatha the Gray Witch

Zone: Blightfire Moors

Sinead the Scarlet Witch

Zone: Blightfire Moors

Eralynn the Shadow Witch

Zone: Blightfire Moors

Unlocking Goru'kar Mesa: (Level 45+)

  1. Kill Queen Pelzia and loot Mesa Key.
    #zone stonehive 64 64 403 (Prepare to fight.)
    Note: Four a bixie swarmer will spawn when you engage the queen.
  2. Give Mesa Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Goru'ka Mesa)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  3. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Goru'ka Mesa. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  4. You now have access to Goru'kar Mesa.
    #zone mesa
Queen Pelzia

Zone: Stonehive

Unlocking The Steppes: (Level 50+)

  1. Click the Ground Spawn Item and loot 1st Fragment of Steppes Key.
    #zone mesa 3179 186 208 (Prepare to fight.)
    Note: The GSI looks like a small coin pouch on the ground.
  2. Click the Ground Spawn Item and loot 2nd Fragment of Steppes Key.
    #zone mesa 3127 -1364 -81 (Prepare to fight.)
    Note: The GSI looks like a small coin pouch on the ground.
  3. Click the Ground Spawn Item and loot 3rd Fragment of Steppes Key.
    #zone mesa -957 -210 32
    Note: The GSI looks like a small coin pouch on a boulder nearby.
  4. Click the Ground Spawn Item and loot 4th Fragment of Steppes Key.
    #zone mesa 2137 -2156 -29 (Prepare to fight.)
    Note: The GSI looks like a small coin pouch on a boulder nearby.
  5. Give the four key fragments to Pioneer Vulu in one trade. (Receive Steppes Key)
    #zone mesa 424 -2024 37
  6. Give Steppes Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of The Steppes)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  7. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of The Steppes. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  8. You now have access to The Steppes.
    #zone steppes

Unlocking Icefall Glacier: (Level 75+)

  1. Kill Cordagan Boulderfist and loot Icefall Key.
    #zone steppes 614 2115 305
    Note: He will summon two Friend of Cordagan during the fight.
    Note: He will cause you to become extremely intoxicated.
  2. Give Icefall Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Icefall Glacier)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  3. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Icefall Glacier. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  4. You now have access to Icefall Glacier.
    #zone icefall
Cordagan Boulderfist

Zone: The Steppes

Unlocking Valdeholm: (Level 75+)

  1. Click the Ground Spawn Item and loot Crenshinibon.
    #zone icefall 1061 -452 -84
    Note: The GSI looks like a flashing white light at the edge of the water.
  2. Give Crenshinibon to Errtu to spawn Akar Kessel. Kill him and loot Valdeholm Key.
    #zone icefall -213 -458 -10
    Note: Errtu will be considered "ready to attack," but he won't attack you.
    Note: Akar will attack shortly after spawning.
  3. Give Valdeholm Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Valdeholm)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  4. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Valdeholm. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  5. You now have access to Valdeholm.
    #zone valdeholm

Unlocking Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King: (Level 80+)

  1. Kill Royal Guard Captain Helgar to spawn King Odeen.
    #zone valdeholm -1365 3123 357
    Note: Helgar is a rare mob. Kill a veteran in the hall until he spawns.
  2. Kill King Odeen and loot Frostcrypt Key.
  3. Give Frostcrypt Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Frostcrypt)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  4. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Frostcrypt. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  5. You now have access to Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King.
    #zone frostcrypt
Royal Guard Captain Helgar

Zone: Valdeholm

King Odeen

Zone: Valdeholm

Unlocking Sunderock Springs: (Level 50+)

  1. First Task:
    1. Target Scout Madu /hail [unusual folk] [wits] [tasks] [difficult] [dromrek] [willing] [Accept Task: Research the Dromrek]
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    2. Travel northwest to the fork in the road. (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 728 239 20
    3. Enter the cave. (Receive a task update) Fight to the center of the cave. (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 1313 42 40
    4. Travel north towards the entrance to The Steppes. (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 814 1516 195
    5. Target Scout Madu /hail (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
  2. Second Task:
    1. Target Scout Madu /hail [talk] [Accept Task: Parlay with the Dromrek]
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    2. Travel northeast and kill in this exact order:
      A. Dromrek Cook (Receive a task update)
      B. Dromrek Provisioner (Receive a task update)
      C. Foodpicker (Receive a task update)
      D. Bashmaker (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 1339 1180 190
    3. Target Scout Madu /hail (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
  3. Third Task:
    1. Target Scout Madu /hail [research] [Accept Task: Soothe the Savage Beast?]
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    2. Target Master Vanguard Regan /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone crescent -1348 -1353 20
    3. Target Librarian Hemfar /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone crescent -1475 -1447 -80
    4. Target Alchemist Naeema /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone crescent -1597 -1423 40
    5. Target Scout Ethaniel /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone moors -1700 -248 10
    6. Kill bixies/wasps and loot Refined Jumjum Pollen. (15-18% Drop Rate) (Receive a task update)
      #zone stonehive 64 64 403
    7. Give Refined Jumjum Pollen to Alchemist Naeema. (Receive a task update)
      #zone crescent -1597 -1423 40
    8. Target Scout Madu /hail (Receive Task Complete) (Receive Bixie Dust Wand)
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
  4. Fourth Task:
    1. Target Scout Madu /hail [try again] [Accept Task: Parlay with the Dromrek, Again]
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    2. Travel northeast and use Bixie Dust Wand before talking to the NPCs in this exact order:
      A. Target Dromrek Cook /hail (Receive a task update)
      B. Target Dromrek Provisioner /hail (Receive a task update)
      C. Target Foodpicker /hail (Receive a task update)
      D. Target Bashmaker /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 1339 1180 190
    3. Travel southeast, then south and use Bixie Dust Wand on Bigone /hail (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 1339 1180 190
    4. Target Scout Madu /hail (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
  5. Final Task:
    1. Target Scout Madu /hail [leader] [Accept Task: Reduce the Dromrek Threat]
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    2. Travel southeast, then south and kill Bigone. (Receive a task update)
      #zone mesa 1339 1180 190
    3. Target Scout Madu /hail (Receive Task Complete) (Receive Sunderock Key)
      #zone mesa 434 -2021 40
    4. Give Sunderock Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Sunderock Springs)
      #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
    5. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Sunderock Springs. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
      #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
      Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
    6. You now have access to Sunderock Springs.
      #zone sunderock

    Zone: Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King

Unlocking Vergalid Mines: (Level 70+)

  1. Target Sunderock Springs /hail [legendary creatures] [tales] [Accept Task: Beasts of Sunderock]
    #zone sunderock -25 -2803 27
    Note: Syrrengar is a giant that wanders around a little.
  2. Kill Trideath and loot Trideath's Mane. (Receive a task update)
    #zone sunderock 2182 -2524 10
    Note: He has a placeholder called a young chimera.
  3. Kill Skyrake and loot Skyrake's Horn. (Receive a task update)
    #zone sunderock 878 1586 582
  4. Kill Komodokin and loot Komodokin's Claw. (Receive a task update)
    #zone sunderock -1587 -1554 35
  5. Kill Tortugone and loot Tortugone's Shell Spike. (Receive a task update)
    #zone sunderock 18 -736 225
    Note: Tortugone is a turtle that wanders up and down the river.
  6. Kill Sandstorm and loot Sandstorm's Fin. (Receive a task update)
    #zone sunderock 1498 1917 390
  7. Give the five items to Sunderock Springs in two trades. (Receive Task Complete) (Receive Vergalid Key)
    #zone sunderock -25 -2803 27
  8. Give Vergalid Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Vergalid Mines)
    #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
  9. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Vergalid Mines. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
    #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
    Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
  10. You now have access to Vergalid Mines.
    #zone vergalid

Zone: Sunderock Springs


Zone: Sunderock Springs


Zone: Sunderock Springs


Zone: Sunderock Springs


Zone: Sunderock Springs

Unlocking Direwind Cliffs: (Level 70+)

  1. First Task:
    1. Target Anaglass /hail [springs] (Receive Task: The Sunderock Geyser)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212
      Note: Be directly under her when speaking or turning in items.
    2. Kill 20 a seething steam drake and 10 a seething mist drake. (Receive a task update)
      #zone sunderock 1194 -984 208
    3. Target Anaglass /hail (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212
  2. Second Task:
    1. Target Anaglass /hail [springs] (Receive Task: The Sulfur Springs)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212
    2. Kill any 30 oozes and 30 oozebud. (Receive a task update)
      #zone sunderock 742 2562 435
      Note: oozebud spawn from a budding pod.
    3. Kill Balloondabloop and loot Balloondabloop's Bile. (Receive a task update)
      #zone sunderock 1412 3223 370
      Note: The boss will spawn in front of the large skeleton and patrol slightly
      Note: The boss has a placeholder so keep the area clear of enemies.
      Note: The boss will summon two Bloop which also drop the required item.
    4. Give Balloondabloop's Bile to Anaglass. (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212

    Zone: Vergalid Mines

  3. Final Task:
    1. Target Anaglass [springs] (Receive Task: Golgarun Springs)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212
    2. Kill 30 a hotsprings scaldling and 3 a steam elemental. (Receive a task update)
      #zone sunderock -680 2000 570
      #zone sunderock -355 2220 570
      #zone sunderock -486 2560 385
    3. Kill Steam Lord Roil and loot Roil's Seething Ember. (Receive a task update)
      #zone sunderock -680 2000 570
      #zone sunderock -355 2220 570
      #zone sunderock -486 2560 385
    4. Give Roil's Seething Ember to Anaglass. [springs] (Receive Task Complete) (Receive Task: Beyond the Springs) (Receive Direwind Key)
      #zone sunderock -720 -2182 212
    5. Give Direwind Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Direwind Cliffs)
      #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
    6. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Direwind Cliffs. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
      #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
      Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
    7. You now have access to Direwind Cliffs.
      #zone direwind
    Steam Lord Roil

    Zone: Vergalid Mines

Unlocking Ashengate: (Level 70+)

  1. First Task:
    1. Target Anderak /hail (Receive Task Complete) [effects] (Receive Task: Scouting Direwind)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    2. Travel east through Gray Legion Encampment. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind -1024 -1874 8
    3. Travel northeast through Valley of the Black Oak. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind -976 -211 10
    4. Travel west through Clan Direwind Boneyard. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 787 -1723 -88
    5. Wander around the rock to the south in Darkroot Gardens. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 917 986 -30
    6. Travel north up the slope to Dead Hill. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 325 -92 40
    7. Arrive at Lake Darkenmere. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind -847 -780 235
    8. Target Anderak /hail (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
  2. Second Task:
    1. Target Anderak /hail [effects] (Receive Task: The Blighted Animals)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    2. Kill bears and loot 4 Diseased Bear Heart. (12% Drop Rate)
      #zone direwind 190 1333 64
      Note: Focus on finding a diseased grizzly. (89% Drop Rate)
    3. Give the 4 bear hearts to Anderak one at a time in four trades. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    4. Kill griffons and loot 4 Diseased Griffon Heart. (10% Drop Rate)
      #zone direwind 141 -1344 36
      Note: Focus on finding a diseased griffon. (79% Drop Rate)
    5. Give the 4 griffon hearts to Anderak one at a time in four trades. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    6. Enter the cave to the north. Kill wolves and loot 4 Diseased Wolf Heart. (8% Drop Rate)
      #zone direwind -296 -965 -14
      Note: Focus on finding a diseased wolf (75% Drop Rate) and a rabid wolf. (100% Drop Rate)
    7. Give the 4 wolf hearts to Anderak one at a time in four trades. (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
  3. Third Task:
    1. Target Anderak /hail [effects] (Receive Task: The Darkroot Gardens)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    2. Kill 10 a Darkroot carrion gatherer. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 730 339 -17
    3. Kill 10 a Darkroot gardener. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 902 609 -12
    4. Destroy 4 a plaguespore grove and kill 4 Darkgrove Plaguespore. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 902 609 -12
      Important: Loot 4 Darkroot Plaguespore from a plaguespore grove for a future step.
    5. Kill Arakeen, Eater of the Dead. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 362 -95 57
      Note: The one a Darkroot carrion gatherer on the hill is a placeholder.
    6. Give 4 Darkroot Plaguespore to Anderak one at a time in four trades. (Receive Task Complete)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    Arakeen, Eater of the Dead

    Zone: Direwind Cliffs

  4. Final Task:
    1. Target Anderak /hail [effects] (Receive Task: The Darkroot Caves)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    2. Enter the cave and kill the following:
      A. 20 a Darkroot warrior (Receive a task update)
      B. 5 a Darkroot shaman (Receive a task update)
      C. 5 a Darkroot tender (Receive a task update)
      D. 5 a Darkroot vineherd (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind 1018 1134 -30
      Note: The shamans only spawn in the first room.
      Note: Avoid killing Mold Master Gangii. You will need him in the next step.
    3. Kill Mold Master Gangii and loot Gangii's Poisoned Roots. (Receive a task update)
      #zone direwind -445 1780 42
    4. Give Gangii's Poisoned Roots to Anderak. (Receive Task Complete) (Receive Ashengate Key)
      #zone direwind 9 -1320 45
    5. Give Ashengate Key to Zyackt Kouzto. (Receive Element of Ashengate)
      #zone crescent -2510 -1251 -175
    6. Open the Kiln and combine Rune of the Serpent with Element of Ashengate. (Receive Rune of the Serpent)
      #zone guildlobby -245 632 10
      Note: Search "serpent" to find the required recipes.
    7. You now have access to Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale.
      #zone ashengate
      Note: Rune of the Serpent is now at maximum power.
    Mold Master Gangii

    Zone: Direwind Cliffs